Wednesday, February 22, 2012

July 2011

The forth of July at Aunt Rachel's. Allen and Jim did an amazing firework show and Brady had a huge DJ setup. It was the best show in town! Olivia and Ethan had the most fun with the little car!
In July, Rachel had her sixth little boy named Rocky. He is such a stink-en cute little man!
Alayna loving the dirt! Yes she even had to get down and taste it....I think more then once!
The family by the fire, this was our first night and the girls didn't last long, after such a long drive they were ready for bed. I wish they had slept wen we did finally get to bed, it was a long night!

Such cute kids!
Such big boys, they love camping and love the fire just like their Daddy! It is a lot of fun to see my little men having so much fun in nature!
Water balloon volleyball is a must! This crowed is a lot of fun to watch!
Camping Babies! Do you notice the bare feet?! When we go camping we do it redneck stile, I think we found shoes everywhere but on the little feet!
Feeding time! The port-a-crib was the only way to get them to stay in the same place long enough to eat or give us a rest from chasing them. Ya, they didn't like being in there!
Olivia was a fan of the dirt, but not as much as Alayna. She was okay having people hold and snuggle her.
In July we went to the Island of Kawi in Hawaii with some of my family. It was a lot of fun and such a beautiful island, it was funny to see all of the wild chickens that are on the island, but it does make for some interesting discussions on why the chicken crosses the road!
One of the main roads has this beautiful tree tunnel that was so pretty and fun to drive through.
We went up the NaPali  Coast, it was beautiful and a lot of fun to see.
Our guides were a lot of fun and took us in a lot of caves.
We also stopped by Puka Dowgs...twice! It was so yummy and I wish we had one here!
Some of the best entertainment happens while standing in line!
We of course had to find a beach that no one was on. I think there was a reason no one was on this one, the riptide was so hard you would be taken off your feet just sticking your big toe in the water! We had a lot of fun anyway, we even got to see a big sea lion laying on the beach.

Tyson and I went with Mom and Jim to look at a waterfall, it was beautiful but you can only look at it and cant hike down or anything. We just walked around and found little lizards and one legged frogs!
Mom had a fun book that she likes to get for every island that tells you all the out of the non tourist things to do. It is amazing to me how much we find to do and we are the only ones around! This place was a wonderful example of that, we had to park in a neighborhood and walk down this little path to a beach with a lighthouse. Once you reached this beautiful beach you had to hike up it until you reached old lava. The lava had a bunch of pools with little fish you could look at. Once you made your way across the lava you had to go up a mound of lava and down into this beautiful place that had waterfalls and pools with little fish you could swim in. It was so much fun and we were the only ones there!

Our timeshare, we had a lot of fun hanging out in these rooms with everyone. Thanks for all the fun Mom and Jim! 
 Heber Rodeo with the Kids. It was quite the adventure!

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