Friday, July 29, 2011

Girls walking!

Olivia decided to surprised  us one day and started walking between my friends Tiana and Marie. They had both come over late one night and we ended up making blankets for Tianas sister. Olivia loved the fabric she had and walked to her to get it, she is such a soft blanket girl! It took a few more weeks to get the walking thing down, but finally was on her way at the end of April. 
Alayna was not as interested in walking as Olivia,and didn't think showing off for the camera was her thing! It took her till the end of May to get her feet under her and start walking. I finally got this video of her before she could catch me. She would always sit down and pretend she wasn't doing anything if we said anything about her walking! 
Now not only do they walk, they run! They love to run out the door as soon as the boys open it and if I am distracted they are at the park by the time I can get to them, they love being so big!

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